Mont Blanc, means White Mountain is the snow-white mountain massif located in the Western
Alps in France on the borders of Italy and Switzerland. It is the highest point of the Alps in
Europe, representing tranquility, beauty, crystal clearness and natural balance.


France is the homeland of Mont Blanc Vodka. The country had rich and fertile soil, artesian spring water and also known for its warm pleasant summer and a fresh soft winter.
France is famous for its own legendary growing traditions and producing the finest food, wines and spirits.
Obviously, this is the best place for creating a masterpiece - Mont Blanc Vodka!


Crystal clear water from Angeac Champagne is flowing through France from the Mountains' Central Massive, including the famous Mont Blanc Range.
This water from the underground spring gives to Mont Blanc Vodka the transparency of a diamond. The beverage acquires a soft, sweet and slightly velvety taste - so pure that in fact it requires a little additional filtration.


Mont Blanc Vodka creation begins with 100% finest French wheat. The grain from the North of France, the homeland of Picardian wheat, is the basis.
This region is not chosen by chance. Wheat of the highest quality, from which the famous French bread is made. gives a unique taste to vodka.
